Nice to meet you, I'm Deon.

I was a structural detailer / drafter at ELLUC Projects, a BIM consulting firm based in the UK, but with branches in the Asia Pacific and Australia.

Some notable projects I worked on...


Beginning from nothing, I learnt Tekla Structures, and within a few weeks, I was contributing to projects.

For each project, there might be...

dozens of
marking plans
hundreds of
assembly drawings
thousands of
part drawings

And then, in only a few months, all the senior detailers on the team left, leaving me and the other 2 detailers that joined with me as the new "senior" detailers. Wow, good job, us.

And as the new seniors, we had to get even newer trainees up to speed to quickly replace the people who left. With our whopping 3 months of experience with the AUS/NZ building codes and standards, as well as our expertise reading and understanding architectural and civil plans. we did the best we could with the new starters.

So while the pay and management left a lot to be desired, the almost startup-like environment meant someone like me could work up to lead steel detailer in only a few months, managing projects and communicating directly with incoming and outgoing clients all on my own.


I learnt how to make this website over a weekend from scratch
(no fancy frameworks or builders, just good old HTML and a spinkle of JS)
and hosted on an old laptop in a closet.
Just for you!

I'm not saying that whatever position I'm applying to will be easy, bit I have the capability to learn anything on the job. Seriously, how hard can it be? If you put trust in me the way ELLUC Projects trusted me, both of us are going to be very happy.


I know you hiring managers LOVE your keywords, so here you go:


Have a Bachelors of Engineering (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from UQ. I know that's not enough these days, despite the pricetag, but if I can survive Thermodynamics and Real Analysis, I will be capable enough to live up to whatever you throw at me.

Literally climbed up the ranks from nothing to lead Structural Steel detailer for the Aus team in less than 6 months. I don't wan't to brag, but I don't know how else to put it...


Worked on many projects where I was the only touchpoint for both

the architects and engineers
as well as the

manufacturers in the factory
to handle queries and deliverables, all while managing the rest of the Aus team for workload management, technical assistance, and ongoing training in the software I personally only had a 3 month head start on.


I did not study computer science, and yet I made this site, as well as many other personal projects.

I did not study civil drafting, and yet I excelled at ELLUC.

I know I didn't get a fancy internship at a big company whilst studying and working during my degree, but if you give me a chance, you won't regret it.

The benefits of working in such a small fragile company is that I got to be responsible for a lot, including
miscellaneous office duties,
IT support,
and was even trusted with the office speaker.
Here's the playlist for you to enjoy.

Anyway, please give my references a call or shoot them an email. There's no point in trying hard and succeeding at your job if no-one believes me or takes me seriously, so please do.

Michael Elms
Regional Manager @ ELLUC Projects
+61 (0) 428 587 604
Erwin Mangubat
Detailing Manager @ ELLUC Projects
+61 (0) 417 504 333